Last seen can now be hidden on Telegram. Let’s see How to hide last seen on Telegram? Millions of people joined Telegram after WhatsApp updated their private police. This cloud based messaging app has gained a lot of users in the last few weeks. Like WhatsApp, Telegram also gives hide last seen option. If you have left WhatsApp and started using Telegram, we want to show you how you can use this feature.
How to hide last seen on Telegram?
- Open the Telegram app on your smartphone.
- Now tap on the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the screen.
- Then tap on the Settings option provided in the menu.
- Now tap on the Privacy and Security option inside the Settings menu.
- Then tap on the Last seen option.
- Now you set the setting as you wish.
Now you can select who can watch your last seen. You can change the default to My Contacts or Nobody. You have to select Nobody to hide the last seen from all. Now you have to tap on the check mark on the ride side of the screen. Then a message will appear saying, “You can’t see the last seen of the people you are not sharing your last seen with.” Now just tap on OK and then your last seen will be hidden.
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