Union minister and Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) president Ramvilas Paswan claims that the Narendra Modi government will return in 2019. He has said in the special interview to the BBC that till three months before the image of the Narendra Modi government was formed as anti-Dalit government, but now this image has changed completely. On […]
Archives for September 2018
How is falling rupee beneficial for India’s economy?
After a consistent fall in the Indian rupee (rupee), the Indian rupee on Wednesday rose to a level of 72.88 against a US dollar. This is the lowest exchange rate of rupee in front of the US dollar. Opposition party Congress has blamed the Modi government’s poor economic policies for the fall of currency. At […]
Five big news: Amit Shah said, Bangladeshi intruders will pick them up and choose
Five big news: Amit Shah said, Bangladeshi intruders will pick them up and choose Amit Shah, national president of BJP, who reached the electoral office in Rajasthan, said that intruders will be elected out of the election. While addressing the power workers’ conference of party workers, he said, “BJP has a resolution that none of […]
Delhi University Students Union election today
Delhi University Students Union election today Delhi University Students Union election today. Today is Dusu elections. These students are the candidates of the Sangh to say, but the defeat here is considered to be very important in terms of the Lok Sabha elections. This time around two and a half lakh students have been registered […]